Chrysler 300 Club International
Kokomo, Indiana

May, 2024

Emails from the meet

Hello 300 land,
I haven't seen any messages about Kokomo yet so I thought I'd start a thread. I thoroughly enjoyed the meet, as I'm sure everyone did who was able to attend. We had much better weather than initially expected and a great turnout for the Saturday show with 22 letter cars plus numerous other vintage "sport" 300s in additon to other Mopars old and new, and some interesting local "brand X" cars present. Among all those cars was a wide range of examples from unrestored, high patina examples to state of the art restorations, both stock and customized. Ralph and Rock did a great job!
The ACD museum has been on my bucket list for decades and what better way to see it that with a bunch of fellow 300 enthusiasts! The museum was almost overwhelming and truly magnificent. It was fun to connect with old friends and meet new folks as well - all of them great people. We come from all walks of life and socio-economic situations, and yet we all homogenize as one big, happy 300 family at these meets! And that makes every meet worth attending - the eye candy is just icing on the cake.
Carl Bilter
I second Carl's comments. Ralph and Rocky did a great job. I hadn't been to the ACD Museum for 15 or more years and was looking forward to seeing it again. It did not disappoint.
Grissom Reserve Air Force Base was also very interesting. Unfortunately, I can't keep all the airplane designations straight in my mind to know which one was which without the signs in front of me.
Catching up with old friends and meeting some new was the highlight. We had plenty of opportunities for both. Those who didn't attend missed out for sure. Thanks again to Ralph and Rocky. Hope everyone got home safely.
Kathy and Brian Frank
Another great 300 meet in the books. Congrats to Ralph and Jim for putting on a great one, and controlling the weather superbly. It was great to see old friends and make new ones.
Don Verity
I'm grateful for all who came to Kokomo and to Ralph and Rocky who sweated the details and made the days very enjoyable. The weather behaved. So many people, so many cars. Nice to see everyone again. 300 people really are a wonderful group on so many levels. Omaha, anyone? Hope to see you there.
Mark Obermann
Ralph, Rockey and Club,
Echoing the positive comments that others who attended our Kokomo Meet have offered! A big Thanks! to Ralph and Rockey for their hard work planning and producing this big party, as we nearly tipped the 100 attendee bogey. Though a bit wet on Wednesday for those driving in from the south and a couple other showers that followed, the weather cooperated nicely. Our Saturday Car Show was all blue skies and sunshine, with 22 Letter Cars showing off their chrome - only missed having a J and a Hurst! - along with 7 other older 300 Sports and Mopars by our members, and a nice collection of other interesting Mopars wiith a few random GMs and Fords. Standouts among these were the radically modified '35 Chrysler Airflow and the 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring Car with an RB motor topped by '64 Shortrams stuffed in its narrow engine bay.
A special Thanks! also to Jeff Bailey, who not only trailered in his sweet Silver Mist L coupe from Oklahoma, but also brought his 1:25 scale models that he had beautifully built - including one of almost every Letter Car (missed C and E) - that he generously donated to be raffled off to 14 lucky winners at our Awards Banquet.
Noel Hastalis