Chrysler 300 Club International
PO Box 40
Benson, MD., 21018
Everything I know about sarcasm
I learned from my cat.

Speedcounter Website Counter
Spring has arrived and with warmer weather on tap,
the deadline is getting near for our spring meet
in Mystic, CT. Take a minute and make your plans to attend.
In this edition we feature Jack Wiltse's video of our 1999 meet in Carmel. I've seen
Jack at many meets with his camera, and I am glad he took the time to make this tape. I look forward to more
of his tapes too!
Your opinions are welcome.
here for the feedback form.
Spring 2014. Don Cole is our host as we
celebrate the 50th birthday of the 300K with our annual spring
meet June 11-14, 2014 in Mystic, Connecticut.
Our host hotel is
The Quality Inn, 9 Whitehall Avenue, Mystic, CT.
The hotel phone: 860-536-4281, the rate: $99.00 plus applicable taxes.
Mention the Chrysler 300 Club to get this rate. You can come up to 3 days early
and stay up to 3 days late for this rate.
The deadline for hotel reservations is May 14th,
the deadline for meet registration is May 6th.
Mystic is close to many New England attractions
such as the Mohegan Sun Casino
and shopping center , the Nautilus Museum, and the
Mystic Seaport & Aquarium.
Click here for details of events, activities, and the meet
registration form.
Future Meets:
Fall 2014: This will be a joint meet between the 300 clubs
hosted by Bill Allen. The date is September 17 -
21, 2014 at the
Fairfield Inn & Suites Alamogordo, 300 Panorama Boulevard, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310.
Take advantage of the $94 rooms/$99 suites available to us if booked by July 1, 2014.
The White Sands Balloon Invitational will be early Saturday morning September 20th and early
Sunday morning September 21st. Click here for more information.
Spring 2015: To Be Announced.
Fall 2015: In Macungie, PA,
hosted by Mark Souders, Tony Rinaldi, and Tony Bevacqua.
August 5-9, 2015 for a Joint Meet celebrating the 60th
Anniversary of the Chrysler 300 Marque.
Spring 2016: In Holland, Michigan with Keith and Judy Boonstra.
For more information, contact our meet coordinator Ray
Jones at
We are looking for new technical articles.
Please send whatever you think is helpful to
We have four videos by Jack Wiltse of Larry Jett's Newark California meet in 1999.
Jack did a great job recording the event. The four videos break the meet into easy to watch pieces.
If you attended the meet, you will enjoy seeing familiar faces once again. If you missed the meet,
you have four new adventures to enjoy.
Click here for Part 1, about 19 minutes long.
See sites along the way, meet & greet of club members at the hotel,
Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge and more.
Click here for Part 2, 13 minutes.
The group gathers at the hotel for the trip and the visit to the Blackhawk Museum.
Click here for Part 3, 11 minutes.
We have the cook out at the Jett Ranch and
the Newark parade and car show.
Click here for Part 4, 18 minutes.
Gil Cunningham conducts the awards presentation.
Our meet hosts Larry and Sandy Jett speak at the banquet. Jack and Marlou drive back to Michigan.
Carl Bilter writes:
Today’s project on the J was to remove the rear seat cushions, rear door panels and
associated trim in preparation for interior detailing and refinishing of the original
leather rear seat cushions with Leatherique.
Upon removing the rear seat back, I find a build sheet intact and
tucked under the seat springs. However, upon extricating the build sheet and reading it I find it is not for a 300J!
Clearly a careless screw up on the assembly line.
From what I can tell the build sheet is for a Cyprus Tan (YY1) Newport
9 pass wagon. The body code (559) makes no
sense but the power tailgate clearly means it’s a wagon. The scheduled
build date is 3/12/63, which is one day after the scheduled build date on my J data plate (3/11). Oh well.
[Click photos to enlarge.]
Write us with whatever might
be on your mind.
If you like picture puzzles, here are new ones.
Take your pick of a 55, a B, and a D.
Have you seen the new
Wheel Of Letter Cars
on our home page?