The Electronic Newsletter of the Chrysler 300 Club International
This Newsletter is published for the members of the Chrysler 300 Club International. All rights reserved. Publication will be at irregular intervals. Not responsible for errors or omissions.

Issue 73 August 1, 2024
In This Issue
Club Events
Book Review & Stories
Tech Articles
Video Corner
Members Say
Restoration Spotlight
Old & Slow Corner
Those Were The Days
Final Thought
Chrysler 300 Club International
PO Box 40
Benson, MD, 21018

* Quick Links *


From 1975 era

From Iowa, 1989

Chardon, 1996

From 1997
Frankenmuth, MI

Nothing is foolproof
to a sufficiently talented fool.

Our fall meet is next month. The deadline for special hotel rates is August 12, the deadline for registration is August 25. Our hosts Kurt & Sally Brueske say everything is coming together nicely. Anyone having difficulty making a reservation, or not being able to get Club member rates outside of the 11-15 September room block (for those wishing to arrive/stay a few extra days), should contact Sally or Kurt for assistance.
There is a lot going on in the Omaha Metro Region in mid-September. Club members can explore additional activities using this link . Our Friday September 13th 5-9pm “Evening With The Stars” Car Show at Victory Lane should be listed or will appear soon. For those interested in baseball, there are a few Omaha Stormchaser games in/around our Fall Meet and Werner Park (beautiful) is about a 5 minute drive from the hotel. Come on over to Omaha and have a great time!
The meet report for Kokomo is ready. You can read it here. We also have a report on Iola 2024 here and one on the Merritt Mini-Meet here.
This newsletter is for you. Let us know what you'd like to see. Your opinions are always welcome. Click here for the feedback form.
Club Events

Fall 2024: Sept 11 - 15, 2024 hosted by Kurt Brueske. Our host hotel is the Hampton Inn & Suites Omaha Southwest-La Vista, 12331 Southport Pkwy, La Vista, NE 68128. Click here for events and information. The registration form is here.

Spring 2025: Mark Artall and Kelly LeBlanc will be hosting this meet in the Lafayette, Louisiana area.
Fall 2025: Buffalo, NY hosted by Jamie Hyde, Ron Klinczar, and Bob Merritt.
Spring 2026: Available. Contact Rob Kern
Fall 2026: Bartlesville, OK hosted by Rob Kern.

For more information, contact Rob Kern at or
Carlton Schroeder at
Book Review & Stories

The Last Of The Brutes, The 300 L, by Don Warnaar

Virgil Exner Visioneer, by Peter Grist.
The official biography of Virgil M Exner with foreword by Virgil Exner Jr. This is an in-depth look at the life and career of Ex with many photos of experimental cars. A review of his designs including the extravagant cars of the early 60s. First published in 2007, I found used copies on line.

Tech Articles

Electric Fuel Pump 300H Installation

1956 Chrysler Engineering Specs

1958 Chrysler AMA Specs

1970 Chrysler AMA Specs

We are looking for new technical articles. Please send whatever you think is helpful to

Video Corner
J Discovery Part 3
J Discovery Part 4
J Discovery Part 5
Iola 2024

Any guesses who this is?
The answer is below
Chrysler Letter Car Limerick

There was a 300 just plain
The top of the pack was its aim
With 300 horses
It suffered no losses
A victory was its right claim.

There was a 300 named B
Its fins took the spotlight you see
But the front had the engine
A big hemi ragin'
And that was the feature to heed.

Click here for the full limerick

"Chrysler Firepower"
Members Say

Ron Kurtz writes:
I have finally reached re-assembly milestone for E-292. The original hood blew over some time in the '80s. I found a hood from a '58 in Neil Freeman's salvage yard in Montana, drilled the holes for the 300 numbers and had the hole for the wiper jet welded up.
The front-end sheet metal has been assembled for lining up. Some minor adjustments had to be made. The front end will then come apart for final prime and paint.
I've been asked by the shop owner (for whom I worked as an apprentice in 2019 to see how he restored cars) to work with his crew for final assembly. The car is already sporting the Club's 300 badge in the lower right corner of the grille.

Rick Clapham sent these pictures of adjusting the parking brake shoes on the Chryslers pre-1963. He includes the special tool to reach the adjuster. Good photos for reference.

Carl Bilter writes:
I was working on my 57 NYr and I expect this will apply to C D E as well. I couldn't engage the drive button but it worked the last time I used it. I removed the leftmost chrome trim piece that goes over the gauge cluster and then the pushbutton worked. It seems that the machine screw that holds the trim to the pushbutton control unit is a different length than the one on the rightmost trim piece that is located above the radio. I managed to reverse them when I had the trim removed for polishing. If the right side screw is used under the control unit, it is just long enough that it blocks the slide for the drive button. You can see this in the blurry photo here.

Mark Lindahl writes:
I was having a fuel delivery problem. The attached picture of my fuel pump rod shows the worn vs. original rod. I changed the pump rod and it solved the problem.
New fuel pump push rods are available at NAPA or Ebay or Amazon. A new rod will measure about 3.22"

Ray Melton writes:
The right front brake of 1957 Chrysler 300C convertible has been dragging, pulling, and sometimes even locking up. I've replaced wheel cylinders, shoes and return springs to no avail. Last month the RF brake locked up hard enough to skid the tire and I only could get it unlocked by backing up a few feet. Just today I came across a very old article from George Riehl that described my symptoms exactly and diagnosed that one of the long, square-section springs within the backing plate had broken. Here is the link to that article: FRONT BRAKE BACKING PLATES . Thanks to Philippe Courant for posting this on his web site

Dave Mason writes:
We have just finished our new garage-workshop. Here is a picture of the workbench. We took Chrysler's idea for swivel seats and used it for the workbench seats.

Write us with whatever might be on your mind.
Restoration Spotlight
by Jamie Hyde

From Gary Runkel at the Club Store: Spark plug wire brackets are sold out but we are getting more. F/G heel plates are sold out. For the F/G interior trim: 11 coupe remaining and 3 convertible. The C/D sill plates: 9 remaining and 7 remaining of the E sill plates.
Get your orders in soon so you don't miss out.

The E and F wheel cover center gears are back in stock at the Club Store. Contact Gary Runkel to place an order. The gears are machined from aluminum bar stock, buffed and bright anodized. They are an excellent reproduction. This is the 3rd and last run of these parts.
Each gear comes with 3 screws and lock washers to attach to the wheel covers. The center 300 medallion is sold separately. The E uses 4 gears, the F uses 5. The price is $110 each, + shipping.

If you like picture puzzles, here are three new ones on the 1962 turbine cars. Take your pick of "George Huebner & Turbo Fury", "Turbine vs Gas Engine Weight", or "Dodge Plymouth Turbine Cars."

In this edition of the Old & Slow Corner, Bill Elder recounts his first meet
in a freshly restored K convertible. Here is his story.

Those Were The Days

How about that -- emergency flashers go all the way back to 1961.

Fan-O-Matic from 1957

A collection of old flyers from auto museums, World Fair exhibits, and celebrations.

Something a little different
I came across these papers which rank letter cars by rarity.
Author and date of publication unknown.

Dave, Anamika, & Kya Mason in their H

Who says 300 owners are aging out of the hobby?
Answer: Hernando DeSoto as a 1950 DeSoto hood ornament